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Updated: May 7

Hellllooo familiar stranger, yes you! l call you familiar because while we may be strangers, you and l are connected are  is so many ways and we may be strangers  because we haven't had the opportunity to meet yet! but then again who knows maybe we’ve walked past each other at some point in our lives.

Nevertheless, Welcome to Maps also known as my most authentic prayers to the heart of God. l don’t know what you are looking for or how you stumbled across this page but l sure do hope maps to the heart of God might just be it!! What is maps you ask?? Maps is the space where you fully surrender to God that you need all of God to help you navigate through life’s circumstances, it is a continuous thought-by-thought relinquishing of allowing God to map out not just one, two, or three but all areas of your life! Maps is the birth of God's word coming alive through me, and it started right when l had come to the end of myself with a simple, authentic prayer of “God l can’t do this without you”. In that space, God brought into mind John 14vs 6 which reads "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me". With that in mind, l knew if l wanted true freedom and an abundant life I had to completely yield to Jesus.

Today, l don’t know what your “God l can’t do this without you space looks like” neither can l say l know when or how or what those spaces have or will look like, however my most authentic prayer to the heart of God as you read this at this very moment is that you and l would always commit to go before God and say our most authentic prayers to Him about anything and everything. I pray that we grow to be people who pray without ceasing by ourselves, with others, and for others! Most importantly as we pray together, l pray that we become a people who seek the face of God always.

l invite you to Join hearts with me as we navigate each season of life, one step at a time, one prayer at a time as we walk together towards God forever and ever Amen. Thank you for stopping by, Hope to pray with you in the next prayer.

l look forward to any questions or feedback that you may have, so let's chat and hopefully get a moment to pray together, contact

What is a prayer?

Hello praying family!!

what qualifies an effective good, holy  and heart felt prayer that would speak to the heart of God?

Is it Words?And if so how many words?

One word?a thousand words? A good few words? Is it written words or just spoken words?

Can many  share the same prayer ? Or is it just personalised?

Is it structured, can it be mumbling, is it complaining ?

Does it allow room for doubt ? Room for fear? or there’s only just  room for surrender?

Is it a song?A sigh? A scream? A shout?

Can it be tears?

Can it be thoughts 

It is a conversation or  even  just Silence?

Before we  unpack this, l wanted to invite you to share the most authentic prayer you’ve prayed and how God answered!

Please share on the chat or via email ,preferably the comment section will do ,so we can better encourage each other that our  God is a God who listens to our prayers.

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